
MyQurban, MyDa’wah 2021

Qurbani is a emphasized sunnah from The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam for every Muslim who is able on Eid al-Adha. This Eid al-Adha 1442 H/2021 AD, let’s gain best and eternal reward from qurbani and waqf, with Qurban Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah, make your qurban as your da'wah!

  • 1 Goat/Sheep
  • Distribution in Indonesia
  • Waqf 200.000 (IDR)
  • Qurban Documentation
  • Waqf Certificate
  • 1/7 Cow or Premium Goat/Sheep
  • Distribution in Indonesia
  • Waqf 200.000 (IDR)
  • Qurban Documentation
  • Waqf Certificate

Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah is a Da'wah, Education & Social institution founded in 1914. Al-irsyad has 83 branches spread nationwide. Waqf funds will be allocated for the development of da'wah and educational facilities, wider spread of da'wah and education which is an important aspect as a foundation in building current and future civilizations.

All transactions only through the account:

Why us?

Affordable + WAQF

With a fairly economical price you can sacrifice and waqf worth Rp. 200,000 for Da'wah and Education facilities which, In Sha Allah, will become a jariyah charity (a practice that produces an unbroken reward).


Practically, you are not bothered in terms of cutting or distribution, because an experienced team will handle and provide documentation.


Al-Irsyad does not take personal advantage. 100% of the results obtained will be returned to the community in the form of social, educational and da'wah programs

News of Qurbani

Kurban Di Tengah Pandemi

PC Al-Irsyad Purwokerto dan Ciledug tercatat sebagai cabang yang paling banyak menyembelih kambing/ domba pada Iedul Adha 1441 H tahun ini. PC Ciledug dengan...

Qurbani Distribution

Tahfidz Center

The Prophet SAW said, Verily, Allah has a family made up of humans Then Anas asked, Who are they, O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet answered, That is the Quran expert (one who reads, memorizes, and practices it). They are the family of God and special people to God. (HR. Ahmad). Every verse that is read repeatedly by the memorizer of the Qur’an, may his deeds also flow for the sacrifices.

Food Insecure Area

The aspects that cause food insecurity areas are usually the poverty rate, access to electricity that affects the economy, the growth rate of children, road access for vehicles, and access to clean water. Hopefully, the distribution of sacrificial animal meat in food insecure areas can be a means for us to share happiness.

Aqidah-Prone Areas

In some areas of Indonesia, there are areas prone to aqidah, many Muslim brothers and sisters have changed their beliefs due to economic conditions and the lack of da’wah, the spread of qurban animal meat in areas prone to aqidah is intended to strengthen da'wah.

Qurban Documentation

In 2020, Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Nationally distributed 1600 goats/sheep and 300 cows from around 20 branches spread across Indonesia.